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The word "cholesterol", probably already familiar in the ears of everyone. Did you know, cholesterol is one of the body fat, better known by the name of lipids. As body fat, cholesterol certainly have a variety of functions in the body. However, if the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood increased or high. Then this may be a serious problem for the health of the body. Various types of food shown to lower your cholesterol levels. So, what are the cholesterol-lowering foods .... ???.

Companions, health tips. Under normal circumstances, or stable, cholesterol does have several important functions in the human body. Several functions as the cholesterol that the body fat constituent structures at the cell membrane, protecting the skin from toxins and drought problems, the formation of vitamin D (along with UV light) and form bile acids in the intestine. However, the increase in the levels of bad cholesterol in the body can cause various health problems such as erectile dysfunction, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease .. health tips, the following seven foods that lower bad cholesterol in your body:

1. Tomat. 
Although classified into fruits, consuming tomatoes may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. You can make a delicious tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice every day.
Pomegranate. The small round red fruit was also very good for lowering cholesterol levels in the body, especially serves to reduce the buildup of cholesterol plaque and be able to increase the production of nitric oxide, which can help in reducing plaque in the arteries.

2. Alpukat. 
Fruit with sightings oval and green colored fruit is one that can raise levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is because, there are two types of cholesterol in our body is the bad cholesterol (Low-density lipoprotein) and good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein).

3. Anggur. 
Fruit wine was also very good to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. By regularly drank two glasses of grape juice every day can keep the good cholesterol in your body.

4. Bawang white. 
Although classified as spices or herbs one for every housewife. Garlic was also very effective in helping menurnkan levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Try to eat a clove of garlic a day to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body (you also can mix them into various types of cuisine you).

5. Aneka processed soy.
Both types of food are also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. Another benefit that can be obtained that contained a protein source in both types of food.

6. Kacang nuts. 
Nuts are intended as peanuts, walnuts, almonds and edamame. The content of omega 3 and antioxidants in the beans are very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body.



Have you drink enough water today? Immediately drink water, because water has many health benefits for # daily. Water is relatively easy to get around us with the cost of an inexpensive or even free of charge or free if your local area is still a source of clean water.

To remind us all of the importance of drinking water, I will review the efficacy benefits of water are unpredictable. This is her discussion of the benefits of water!

There are still many people who ignore the benefits of drinking water. In fact, there is no measurable benefits. From prevents you feel thirsty, encouraging metabolism, making you feel full longer (thus prevent you from eating too much), making the skin smoother because of the availability of fluid in the body, to prevent loss of concentration.

Beyond that, there are many benefits of drinking water which turns out we do not know. To be sure, the benefits will be felt immediately in your everyday life. Once informed, it certainly will not further delay consume water at all times.

1. Protect your heart
People who are accustomed to drinking water more than five cups a day, likely to die from heart attacks dropped 41 percent compared to those who drank less than two glasses of water a day, according to a six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Moreover, the habit of drinking water in an amount of at least five cups a day will reduce the risk of cancer. No shortage of body fluids can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

2. Prevent headaches
resistant if the migraine starts to attack? But before you take pain medication, try to cope with drinking water. According to researchers from the University of Masstricht, Netherlands, drink seven glasses of water a day can relieve headaches, and improve the quality of life of those who had been suffering from migraine. In trials, those who drank 1.5 liters of water was reduced 21-hour headache, as well as the intensity of the pain.

3. Increasing the sharpness of the brain
According to the study, the rate of dehydration of one percent of the weight you've been able to reduce the functions of your thinking. The brain does require a lot of oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. By drinking lots of water, you can make sure that the brain has met its needs. Instead, drink 8-10 cups of water a day can improve cognitive performance levels as much as 30 percent.

4. Make your stay vigilant
Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue that occurs throughout the day. If the fatigue you feel more like a strong urge to take a nap, try drinking a glass of water. Drinking enough water will make your work better, at least to prevent you find it hard to concentrate. All you need to know, the level of two percent dehydration can lead to short-term memory problems. You will also have trouble focusing on what you are reading on a computer screen.

5. Make your skin glow
Less liquid causes skin cells to contract. Consume lots of water will keep the skin supple.

6. Removing toxins from the body (detoxification).
Water plays a role in filtering toxins are excreted through the urine. Severe conditions will also lead to kidney stones and kidney failure.

Efficacy Drinking Water Warm Morning
In addition to the amazing benefits that have been described above, it turns out to drink warm water also provides many benefits to the health of the body. Here are some of the benefits of drinking water is warm, as reported Boldsky.

1. Cleaning and purification
One of the most important benefits of drinking hot water is effective in cleansing the body. Poor digestive system can be easily treated by drinking a glass of hot water twice a day, especially when taken in the early morning. It will remove toxins from the body and cleanse the body system. You can mix hot water with honey or lemon for best results.

2. Cure constipation
It is a common stomach problems that occur due to lack of water in the body, thereby reducing bowel movement. Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning can improve bowel movement and cure constipation. Hot or warm water can break down food particles and pass through the gut.

3. Lose weight
Many dieticians ask patients to drink a glass of hot water with lemon and honey every day to lose weight. Well, this advice is very helpful in losing weight. Hot water can damage the fat from the body and helps in weight loss.

4. Drugs for flu and cough
Irritation of the throat due to cough or tonsils can be really painful. One of the health benefits of drinking hot or warm water, reduce sore throat, cough and sputum help out with ease.

5. Remove the sweat
When drinking hot beverages, you will sweat a lot. When the body temperature rises, the body tries to cool the temperature through sweating. Sweating helps clean the skin cells to take excess water and salt from the cells and the body.

6. Increase the blood flow

When you drink hot water, fat deposits in the body burned and pile in the nervous system are also parsed. This will increase blood circulation in the body and also secrete harmful toxins.

7. Reduce pain
Drink a glass of hot water is an effective home remedy to cure menstrual cramps. If you experience abdominal pain, headache or body, drink a glass of hot water is instant relief.